#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # 14all.cgi # # create html pages and graphics with rrdtool for mrtg + rrdtool # # (c) 1999,2000 bawidama@users.sourceforge.net # # use freely, but: NO WARRANTY - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! # if RRDs (rrdtool perl module) is not in the module search path (@INC) # uncomment the following line and change the path appropriatly: #use lib '/home/rb1/lib/perl5'; # RCS History - removed as it's available on the web my $rcsid = '$Id: 14all.cgi,v 2000/10/31 11:51:32 rb1 Exp $'; # I used to calculate the release version from the cvs revision. # but it's getting complicated with branches so I set it manually now my $version = "14all.cgi 1.0p26"; my $DEBUG = 0; # set to 1 to resolve problems with the graph generation use strict; use CGI; # don't 'use CGI::Carp qw/fatalsToBrowser/ on WinNT - breaks horribly! BEGIN { eval { require CGI::Carp; import CGI::Carp qw/fatalsToBrowser/ } if $^O !~ m/Win/i; }; use RRDs 1.00008; sub print_error($$@); sub intmax(@); sub yesorno($); sub get_graph_params($$$); sub check_directory($$;$); sub getrrd($$); sub getpngdir($$); sub getpngsize($); sub errorpng(); sub senderrorpng($$); sub log_rrdtool_call($$@); my ($q, $cfgfile, $cfgfiledir); my ($cgidir, @author, @style); # set the correct path delimiter my $SL = '/'; $SL = '\\' if $^O =~ m/Win/; ### where the mrtg.cfg file is # anywhere in the filespace #$cfgfile = '/home/mrtg/mrtg.cfg'; # relative to the script #$cfgfile = 'mrtg.cfg'; # use this so 14all.cgi gets the cfgfile name from the script name # (14all.cgi -> 14all.cfg) $cfgfile = ''; # if you want to store your config files in a different place than your cgis: $cfgfiledir = ''; ### cusotmize the html pages @author = ( -author => 'bawidama@users.sourceforge.net'); # one possibility to enable stylesheets (second is to use "AddHead[_]:..." in mrtg.cfg) #@style = ( -style => { -src => 'general.css' }); ### # initialize CGI $q = new CGI; # mod_perl changes # look for the config file my $meurl = $q->url(); if (defined $q->param('cfg')) { $cfgfile = $q->param('cfg'); $cfgfile = $cfgfiledir.$SL.$cfgfile unless -r $cfgfile; my $obj = { author => \@author, q => $q, }; print_error($obj, "Cannot find the given config file: \$cfgfile\") unless -r $cfgfile; } elsif (!$cfgfile) { $meurl =~ m{\Q$SL\E([^\Q$SL\E]*)\.(cgi|pl)$}; $cfgfile = $1 . '.cfg'; $cfgfile = $cfgfiledir.$SL.$cfgfile unless -r $cfgfile; } # read the config file my ($obj, $err) = new OneForAllConfig($cfgfile, author => \@author, q => $q, style => \@style, debug => $DEBUG, SL => $SL,); unless ($obj) { $obj = { q => $q, author => \@author }; print_error($obj, "cannot load config file \$cfgfile\: $err"); } my @headeropts = ( @author, @style, -bgcolor => $obj->get('config','background')); my $icondir = $obj->get('config','icondir'); # the footer we print on every page my $footer = <<"EOT" . $q->end_html;
Version 2.8.x-rrd Tobias Oetiker <oetiker\@ee.ethz.ch> and Dave Rand  <dlr\@bungi.com>
$version Rainer Bawidamann  <bawidama\@users.sourceforge.net>
EOT ### the main switch # the modes: # if parameter "dir" is given show a list of the targets in this "directory" # elsif parameter "png" is given show a graphic for the target given w/ parameter "log" # elsif parameter "log" is given show the page for this target # else show a list of directories and of targets w/o directory # parameter "cfg" can hold the name of the config file to use if (defined $q->param('dir')) { # show a list of targets in the given directory my $dir = $q->param('dir'); my @httphead; if (yesorno($obj->get('config','{writeexpires'))) { push @httphead, (-expires => '+' . int($obj->get('config','interval')) . 'm'); } if (yesorno($obj->get('config','refresh'))) { push @httphead, (-refresh => $obj->get('config','refresh')); } my @htmlhead = (-title => "MRTG/RRD - Group $dir", @headeropts); if ($obj->get('target','_','addhead')) { push @htmlhead, (-head => $obj->get('target','_','addhead')); } print $q->header(@httphead), $q->start_html(@htmlhead); print $q->h1("Available Targets"),"\n\\n"; my $cfgstr = (defined $q->param('cfg') ? "&cfg=".$q->param('cfg') : ''); my $column = 0; foreach my $tar (@{$obj->{sorted}}) { my $small = 0; if (yesorno($obj->get('option',$tar,'indexgraph'))) { $small = $obj->get('option',$tar,'indexgraph'); } next if $tar =~ m/^[\$\^\_]$/; # _ is not a real target next if $obj->get('target',$tar,'directory') ne $dir; print '' if $column == 0; print '\n"; $column++; if ($column >= $obj->get('config','columns')) { $column = 0; print ''; } } if ($column != 0 and $column < $obj->get('config','columns')) { print '' x ($obj->get('config','columns') - $column),"\\n"; } print '
', $q->p($q->a({href => "$meurl?log=$tar$cfgstr"}, $obj->get('target',$tar,'title'))); print $q->a({href => "$meurl?log=$tar$cfgstr"}, $q->img({src => "$meurl?log=$tar&png=$small&small=1$cfgstr", alt => "index-graph", getpngsize(getpngdir($obj,$tar)."$tar-$small.png")}) ) if $small; print "\
', $footer; } elsif (defined $q->param('png')) { # send a graphic, create it if necessary print_error($obj,"CGI call error") if (!defined $q->param('log')); my $png = $q->param('png'); my $log = $q->param('log'); $obj->{'log'} = $log; my (@args, $save_args); if (exists $obj->{confhash}) { my $rrdcall = $obj->{confhash}{"rrdcall $log $png"}; if ($rrdcall) { @args = split(' ',$rrdcall); map { $_ =~ s/&(..)/chr($1)/ge } @args; $obj->{maxage} = $obj->{confhash}{"maxage $log $png"} || 300; } } unless (@args) { get_rrd_call($obj,$log,$png,\@args); my @saveargs = @args; map { $_ =~ s/([ &])/'&'.ord($1)/ge } @saveargs; my $value = join(' ',@saveargs); # set will make cache writeable $obj->set("rrdcall $log $png", $value); $obj->set("maxage $log $png", $obj->{maxage}); } # the first element of @args if the name of the graph file # fire up rrdtool my ($a, $rrdx, $rrdy) = RRDs::graph(@args); my $e = RRDs::error(); log_rrdtool_call($obj,$e,'graph',@args); # if the file given to rrdtool is not a png file rrdtool won't report # an error (fixed in 1.0.11). we have to check the reported image size: if ($e or $rrdx == 0 and $rrdy == 0) { my ($pngdir) = ($args[0] =~ m|^(.*?)(\Q$SL\E.+?)?$|); senderrorpng($obj, "cannot write to graph dir $pngdir" .($e ? "\nrrdtool error: $e" : '')) if ! -w $pngdir; senderrorpng($obj, "cannot write $args[0]" .($e ? "\nrrdtool error: $e" : "\nadditional info: file is not a PNG file")) if (-e $args[0] and !-w _); unlink $args[0] or senderrorpng($obj,"cannot delete file $args[0]") if -e $args[0]; # do we get here if it does not exist? ($a, $rrdx, $rrdy) = RRDs::graph(@args); $e = RRDs::error(); log_rrdtool_call($obj,$e,'graph',@args); } if ($e) { senderrorpng($obj, "RRDTool error: $e"); } elsif ($rrdx == 0 and $rrdy == 0) { senderrorpng($obj, "Cannot create graph or wrong format") or print_error($obj,"Cannot create graph or wrong format"); } # no error, try to send the file open(PNG, "<$args[0]") or senderrorpng($obj, "cannot read graph file") or print_error($obj,"cannot read graph file"); my @httphead = (-type => "image/png"); if (yesorno($obj->get('config','writeexpires'))) { push @httphead, (-expires => '+'.$obj->{'maxage'}.'s'); } print $q->header(@httphead); binmode(PNG); binmode(STDOUT); while(read PNG, my $buf, 16384) { print STDOUT $buf; } close PNG; } elsif (defined $q->param('log')) { # show the graphics for one target my $log = $q->param('log'); print_error($obj,"Target $log unknown") unless ($obj->get('target',$log,'target')); my $title; # user defined title? if ($obj->get('target',$log,'title')) { $title = $obj->get('target',$log,'title'); } else { $title = "MRTG/RRD - Target $log"; } my @httphead; if (yesorno($obj->get('config','writeexpires'))) { push @httphead, (-expires => '+' . int($obj->get('config','interval')) . 'm'); } if (yesorno($obj->get('config','refresh'))) { push @httphead, (-refresh => $obj->get('config','refresh')); } my @htmlhead = (-title => $title, @headeropts); if ($obj->get('target',$log,'addhead')) { push @htmlhead, (-head => $obj->get('target',$log,'addhead')); } print $q->header(@httphead), $q->start_html(@htmlhead); # user defined header line? (should exist as mrtg requires it) if (defined $obj->get('target',$log,'pagetop')) { print $obj->get('target',$log,'pagetop'),"\n"; } else { print $q->h1("Target ".$obj->get('target',$log,'title')),"\n"; } my $lasttime = RRDs::last(getrrd($obj,$log)); log_rrdtool_call($obj,'','last',getrrd($obj,$log)); print $q->hr, "The statistics were last updated: ",$q->b(scalar(localtime($lasttime))), $q->hr if $lasttime; my $sup = $obj->get('target',$log,'suppress'); my $url = "$meurl?log=$log"; my $tmpcfg = $q->param('cfg'); $url .= "&cfg=$tmpcfg" if defined $tmpcfg; $url .= "&png"; # the header lines and tags for the graphics if ($sup !~ /d/) { print $q->h2("'Daily' graph (5 Minute Average)"),"\n", $q->img({src => "$url=daily", alt => "daily-graph", getpngsize(getpngdir($obj,$log)."$log-daily.png")} ), "\n"; } if ($sup !~ /w/) { print $q->h2("'Weekly' graph (30 Minute Average)"),"\n", $q->img({src => "$url=weekly", alt => "weekly-graph", getpngsize(getpngdir($obj,$log)."$log-weekly.png")} ), "\n"; } if ($sup !~ /m/) { print $q->h2("'Monthly' graph (2 Hour Average)"),"\n", $q->img({src => "$url=monthly", alt => "monthly-graph", getpngsize(getpngdir($obj,$log)."$log-monthly.png")} ), "\n"; } if ($sup !~ /y/) { print $q->h2("'Yearly' graph (1 Day Average)"),"\n", $q->img({src => "$url=yearly", alt => "yearly-graph", getpngsize(getpngdir($obj,$log)."$log-yearly.png")} ), "\n"; } if ($obj->get('target',$log,'pagefoot')) { print $obj->get('target',$log,'pagefoot'); } print $footer; } else { # no parameter - show a list of directories and targets without "Directory[...]" (aka root-targets) my @httphead; if (yesorno($obj->get('config','writeexpires'))) { push @httphead, (-expires => '+1d'); # how often do you add targets? } if (yesorno($obj->get('config','refresh'))) { push @httphead, (-refresh => $obj->get('config','refresh')); } my @htmlhead = (-title => "MRTG/RRD $version", @headeropts); if ($obj->get('target','_','addhead')) { push @htmlhead, (-head => $obj->get('target','_','addhead')); } print $q->header(@httphead), $q->start_html(@htmlhead); my (@dirs, %dirs, @logs); # get the list of directories and "root"-targets foreach my $tar (@{$obj->{sorted}}) { next if $tar =~ m/^[_\$\^]$/; # pseudo targets my $dir = $obj->get('target',$tar,'directory'); if ($dir) { next if exists $dirs{$dir}; $dirs{$dir} = $tar; push @dirs, $dir; } else { push @logs, $tar; } } my $cfgstr = (defined $q->param('cfg') ? "&cfg=".$q->param('cfg') : ''); print $q->h1("Available Targets"),"\n"; my $confcolumns = $obj->get('config','columns'); if ($#dirs > -1) { print $q->h2("Directories"),"\n\\n"; my $column = 0; foreach my $tar (@dirs) { print '' if $column == 0; (my $link = $tar) =~ s/ /\+/g; print $q->td($q->a({href => "$meurl?dir=$link$cfgstr"}, $tar)),"\n"; $column++; if ($column >= $confcolumns) { $column = 0; print ''; } } if ($column != 0 and $column < $confcolumns) { print '' x ($confcolumns - $column),"\\n"; } print '

'; } if ($#logs > -1) { print $q->h2("Targets"),"\n\\n"; my $column = 0; foreach my $tar (@logs) { my $small = 0; if (yesorno($obj->get('option',$tar,'indexgraph'))) { $small = $obj->get('option',$tar,'indexgraph'); } next if $tar =~ m/^[\$\^_]$/; next if $obj->get('target',$tar,'directory'); print '' if $column == 0; print '\n"; $column++; if ($column >= $confcolumns) { $column = 0; print ''; } } if ($column != 0 and $column < $confcolumns) { print '' x ($confcolumns - $column),"\\n"; } print '
', $q->p($q->a({href => "$meurl?log=$tar$cfgstr"}, $obj->get('target',$tar,'title'))); print $q->a({href => "$meurl?log=$tar$cfgstr"}, $q->img({src => "$meurl?log=$tar&png=$small&small=1$cfgstr", alt => "index-graph", getpngsize(getpngdir($obj,$tar)."$tar-$small.png")})) if $small; print "\
'; } print $footer; } exit 0; sub get_rrd_call ($$$$) { my ($obj, $log, $png, $argsref) = @_; my ($start, $end, $maxage, $xs, $ys) = get_graph_params($obj, $log, $png); print_error($obj,"undefined graph") unless $start; my $q = $obj->{q}; # save maxage for refresh/expire setting $obj->{'maxage'} = $maxage; my $rrd = getrrd($obj, $log); # escape ':' and '\' with \ in $rrd # (rrdtool replaces '\:' by ':' and '\\' by '\') $rrd =~ s/([:\\])/\\$1/g; my $pngdir = getpngdir($obj,$log); my $pngfile = ${pngdir}."${log}-${png}.png"; # build the rrd command line: set the starttime and the graphics format (PNG) @$argsref = ($pngfile, '-s', $start, '-e', $end, '-a', 'PNG'); # if it's not a small picture set the legends my ($l1,$l2,$l3,$l4,$li,$lo) = ('','','','','',''); my ($ri, $ro) = ('',''); push @$argsref, '-w', $xs, '-h', $ys; if (!defined $q->param('small')) { if ($obj->get('target',$log,'ylegend')) { push @$argsref, '-v', $obj->get('target',$log,'ylegend'); } if ($obj->get('target',$log,'legend1')) { $l1 = ":".$obj->get('target',$log,'legend1')."\\l"; } if ($obj->get('target',$log,'legend2')) { $l2 = ":".$obj->get('target',$log,'legend2')."\\l"; } if ($obj->get('target',$log,'legend3') ne '--CALC--') { $l3 = ":".$obj->get('target',$log,'legend3')."\\l"; } else { $l3 = ":Maximal 5 Minute ".$obj->get('target',$log,'legend1')."\\l"; } if ($obj->get('target',$log,'legend4') ne '--CALC--') { $l4 = ":".$obj->get('target',$log,'legend4')."\\l"; } else { $l4 = ":Maximal 5 Minute ".$obj->get('target',$log,'legend2')."\\l"; } if ($obj->get('target',$log,'legendi')) { $li = $obj->get('target',$log,'legendi'); } else { $li = "In: "; } $li =~ s':'\\:'; # ' quote : if ($obj->get('target',$log,'legendo')) { $lo = $obj->get('target',$log,'legendo'); } else { $lo = "Out:"; } $lo =~ s':'\\:'; # ' quote : if ($obj->get('option',$log,'integer')) { $li .= ' %9.0lf'; $lo .= ' %9.0lf'; $ri = '%3.0lf%%'; $ro = '%3.0lf%%'; } else { $li .= ' %8.3lf'; $lo .= ' %8.3lf'; $ri = '%6.2lf%%'; $ro = '%6.2lf%%'; } if ($obj->get('target',$log,'kmg')) { $li .= ' %s'; $lo .= ' %s'; if ($obj->get('target',$log,'kilo')) { push @$argsref, '-b', $obj->get('target',$log,'kilo'); } if ($obj->get('target',$log,'shortlegend')) { $li .= $obj->get('target',$log,'shortlegend'); $lo .= $obj->get('target',$log,'shortlegend'); } } } my $factor = 1; # should we scale the values? if ($obj->get('option',$log,'perminute')) { $factor = 60; # perminute -> 60x } elsif ($obj->get('option',$log,'perhour')) { $factor = 3600; # perhour -> 3600x } if ($obj->get('option',$log,'bits')) { $factor *= 8; # bits instead of bytes -> 8x } # let the user give an arbitrary factor: if ($obj->get('option',$log,'factor') and $obj->get('option',$log,'factor') =~ m/^[-+]?\d+(.\d+)?([eE][+-]?\d+)?$/) { $factor *= 0+$obj->get('option',$log,'factor'); } my $pngchar = substr($png,0,1); if ($pngchar and $obj->get('target',$log,'unscaled') and $obj->get('target',$log,'unscaled') =~ m/$pngchar/) { my $max = intmax($obj->get('target',$log,'maxbytes'), $obj->get('target',$log,'maxbytes1'), $obj->get('target',$log,'maxbytes2'), $obj->get('target',$log,'absmax')); $max *= $factor; push @$argsref, '-l', 0, '-u', $max, '-r'; } elsif (yesorno($obj->get('option',$log,'logarithmic'))) { push @$argsref, '-o'; } push @$argsref,'--alt-y-grid','--lazy','-c','MGRID#ee0000','-c','GRID#000000'; # now build the graph calculation commands # ds0/ds1 hold the normal data sources to graph/gprint my ($ds0, $ds1) = ('in', 'out'); push @$argsref, "DEF:$ds0=$rrd:ds0:AVERAGE", "DEF:$ds1=$rrd:ds1:AVERAGE"; if (defined $obj->get('option',$log,'unknaszero')) { push @$argsref, "CDEF:uin=$ds0,UN,0,$ds0,IF", "CDEF:uout=$ds1,UN,0,$ds1,IF"; ($ds0, $ds1) = ('uin', 'uout'); } if ($factor != 1) { # scale the values. we need a CDEF for this push @$argsref, "CDEF:fin=$ds0,$factor,*","CDEF:fout=$ds1,$factor,*"; ($ds0, $ds1) = ('fin', 'fout'); } my $maximum0 = $obj->get('target',$log,'maxbytes1') || $obj->get('target',$log,'maxbytes'); my $maximum1 = $obj->get('target',$log,'maxbytes2') || $obj->get('target',$log,'maxbytes'); $maximum0 = 1 unless $maximum0; $maximum1 = 1 unless $maximum1; # ps0/ps1 hold the percentage data source for gprint my ($ps0, $ps1) = ('pin', 'pout'); push @$argsref, "CDEF:pin=$ds0,$maximum0,/,100,*,$factor,/", "CDEF:pout=$ds1,$maximum1,/,100,*,$factor,/"; # now for the peak graphs / maximum values # mx0/mx1 hold the maximum data source for graph/gprint my ($mx0, $mx1) = ($ds0, $ds1); # px0/px1 hold the maximum pecentage data source for gprint my ($px0, $px1) = ($ps0, $ps1); if (!defined $q->param('small')) { # the defs for the maximum values: for the legend ('MAX') and probabely # for the 'withpeak' graphs push @$argsref, "DEF:min=$rrd:ds0:MAX", "DEF:mout=$rrd:ds1:MAX"; ($mx0, $mx1) = ('min', 'mout'); if (defined $obj->get('option',$log,'unknaszero')) { push @$argsref, "CDEF:umin=$mx0,UN,0,$mx0,IF", "CDEF:umout=$mx1,UN,0,$mx1,IF"; ($mx0, $mx1) = ('umin', 'umout'); } if ($factor != 1) { # scale the values. we need a CDEF for this push @$argsref, "CDEF:fmin=$mx0,$factor,*","CDEF:fmout=$mx1,$factor,*"; ($mx0, $mx1) = ('fmin', 'fmout'); } # draw peak lines if configured my $wp = $obj->get('target',$log,'withpeak'); if (substr($png,0,1) =~ /[$wp ]/) { push @$argsref, "AREA:$mx0#006600$l3", "LINE1:$mx1#ff00ff$l4"; push @$argsref, "CDEF:pmin=$mx0,$maximum0,/,100,*,$factor,/", "CDEF:pmout=$mx1,$maximum1,/,100,*,$factor,/"; ($px0, $px1) = ('pmin', 'pmout'); if (yesorno($obj->get('option',$log,'graphtotal'))) { push @$argsref, "CDEF:mtotal=$mx0,$mx1,+", "LINE1:mtotal#ff5050:Total MAX\\l"; } } } # the commands to draw the values push @$argsref, "AREA:$ds0#00cc00$l1", "LINE1:$ds1#0000ff$l2"; if (yesorno($obj->get('option',$log,'graphtotal'))) { push @$argsref, "CDEF:total=$ds0,$ds1,+", "LINE1:total#ffa050:Total AVG\\l"; } if (!defined $q->param('small')) { # print the legends if ($obj->get('option',$log,'nopercent')) { push @$argsref, "GPRINT:$mx0:MAX:Maximal $li", "GPRINT:$mx1:MAX:Maximal $lo\\l", "GPRINT:$ds0:AVERAGE:Average $li", "GPRINT:$ds1:AVERAGE:Average $lo\\l", "GPRINT:$ds0:LAST:Current $li", "GPRINT:$ds1:LAST:Current $lo\\l"; } else { push @$argsref, "GPRINT:$mx0:MAX:Maximal $li", "GPRINT:$px0:MAX:($ri)", "GPRINT:$mx1:MAX:Maximal $lo", "GPRINT:$px1:MAX:($ro)\\l", "GPRINT:$ds0:AVERAGE:Average $li", "GPRINT:$ps0:AVERAGE:($ri)", "GPRINT:$ds1:AVERAGE:Average $lo", "GPRINT:$ps1:AVERAGE:($ro)\\l", "GPRINT:$ds0:LAST:Current $li", "GPRINT:$ps0:LAST:($ri)", "GPRINT:$ds1:LAST:Current $lo", "GPRINT:$ps1:LAST:($ro)"; } } return; } sub print_error($$@) { my $obj = shift; my $q = $obj->{q}; print $q->header(), $q->start_html( -title => 'MRTG/RRD index.cgi - Skript error', @{$obj->{author}}, -bgcolor => '#ffffff' ), $q->h1('Skript Error'), @_, $q->end_html(); exit 0; } sub intmax(@) { my (@p) = @_; my $max = 0; foreach my $n (@p) { $max = int($n) if defined $n and int($n) > $max; } return $max; } sub yesorno($) { my $opt = shift; return 0 unless defined $opt; return 0 if $opt =~ /^((no?)|(false)|0)$/i; return 1; } sub get_graph_params($$$) { my ($obj, $tar, $graph) = @_; my ($start, $end, $maxage, $xs, $ys); my $v; if ($v = $obj->get('option',$tar,"graph $graph")) { ($start, $end, $maxage) = split / +/, $v; } elsif ($v = $obj->get('option','_',"graph $graph")) { ($start, $end, $maxage) = split / +/, $v; } else { return (); } if ($v = $obj->get('option',$tar,"graphsize $graph")) { ($xs, $ys) = split / +/, $v; } elsif ($v = $obj->get('option',$tar,"graphsize")) { ($xs, $ys) = split / +/, $v; } elsif ($v = $obj->get('option','_',"graphsize $graph")) { ($xs, $ys) = split / +/, $v; } elsif ($v = $obj->get('option','_',"graphsize")) { ($xs, $ys) = split / +/, $v; } else { $xs = $obj->get('target',$tar,'xsize'); $ys = $obj->get('target',$tar,'ysize'); } return ($start, $end, $maxage, $xs, $ys); } sub getrrd($$) { my ($obj, $tar) = @_; my $rrd = $obj->get('config','logdir'); $rrd .= $obj->{SL} unless $rrd =~ m|\Q$obj->{SL}\E$|; $rrd .= $obj->get('target',$tar,'directory'); $rrd .= $obj->{SL} unless $rrd =~ m|\Q$obj->{SL}\E$|; $rrd .= $tar . '.rrd'; return $rrd; } sub getpngdir($$) { my ($obj, $tar) = @_; # a small cache: if (exists $obj->{"__pngdir__$tar"}) { return $obj->{"__pngdir__$tar"}; } my $pngdir = $obj->get('config','imagedir'); $pngdir .= $obj->{SL} unless $pngdir =~ m|\Q$obj->{SL}\E$|; $pngdir .= $obj->get('target',$tar,'directory'); $pngdir .= $obj->{SL} unless $pngdir =~ m|\Q$obj->{SL}\E$|; if (!-w $pngdir) { if ($^O =~ m/Win/i) { $pngdir = $ENV{'TEMP'}; $pngdir = $ENV{'TMP'} unless $pngdir; $pngdir = '' unless $pngdir; $pngdir .= $obj->{SL} unless $pngdir =~ m|\Q$obj->{SL}\E$|; } else { $pngdir = '/tmp/'; } } $obj->{"__pngdir__$tar"} = $pngdir; return $pngdir; } use IO::File; sub pngstring() { return chr(137)."PNG".chr(13).chr(10).chr(26).chr(10); }; sub getpngsize($) { my ($file) = @_; my $fh = new IO::File $file; return () unless defined $fh; my $line; if (sysread($fh, $line, 8) != 8 or $line ne pngstring()) { $fh->close; return (); } CHUNKS: while(1) { last CHUNKS if (sysread($fh, $line, 8) != 8); my ($chunksize, $type) = unpack "Na4", $line; if ($type ne "IHDR") { last CHUNKS if (sysread($fh, $line, $chunksize + 4) != $chunksize + 4); next CHUNKS; } last CHUNKS if (sysread($fh, $line, 8) != 8); $fh->close; my ($x, $y) = unpack("NN", $line); return ('-width' => "$x", '-height' => "$y"); } $fh->close; return (); } # this data contains a small png with the text: # "error: cannot create graph" sub errorpng() { return ( 137,80,78,71,13,10,26,10,0,0,0,13,73,72,68,82,0,0,0,187,0,0,0,29,4,3,0, 0,0,0,251,0,170,0,0,0,4,103,65,77,65,0,0,177,143,11,252,97,5,0,0,0,30,80, 76,84,69,255,0,0,255,93,93,255,128,128,255,155,155,255,176,176,255,195, 195,255,212,212,255,227,227,255,241,241,255,255,255,17,191,146,253,0,0, 0,56,116,69,88,116,83,111,102,116,119,97,114,101,0,88,86,32,86,101,114, 115,105,111,110,32,51,46,49,48,97,32,32,82,101,118,58,32,49,50,47,50,57, 47,57,52,32,40,80,78,71,32,112,97,116,99,104,32,49,46,50,41,221,21,46,73, 0,0,2,40,73,68,65,84,120,218,237,147,177,107,219,64,20,198,159,34,233,92, 109,130,180,132,108,55,180,78,189,169,113,8,220,166,80,106,208,230,102, 48,237,118,56,246,153,219,28,7,2,183,165,77,23,109,142,101,157,244,254, 219,62,73,198,113,106,211,150,144,108,254,166,143,167,79,63,221,125,167, 3,216,107,175,189,94,65,136,56,223,26,58,166,224,207,71,6,114,3,175,148, 220,10,136,66,47,183,134,44,254,115,114,48,252,55,126,87,192,92,248,24, 254,237,173,70,110,246,95,120,182,184,17,231,242,4,103,160,79,34,213,12, 117,148,224,204,205,211,159,96,205,18,24,254,162,26,105,189,198,66,29,149, 96,80,10,172,29,64,154,91,55,83,30,22,92,124,43,33,152,60,86,75,229,196, 172,204,68,42,83,85,114,157,70,4,97,182,218,121,121,150,187,56,41,0,111, 75,254,253,54,141,197,13,64,203,154,184,138,78,114,223,158,47,222,229,156, 28,128,95,104,235,150,182,115,159,244,133,53,211,160,208,215,27,71,43,153, 253,36,238,223,23,96,250,250,42,84,43,188,55,58,180,174,117,16,202,208, 156,166,97,114,87,237,185,211,239,72,138,230,78,217,30,126,200,220,204, 35,199,225,227,67,139,240,167,189,11,33,197,244,120,17,60,180,178,39,229, 60,128,136,217,156,74,211,117,227,53,30,18,164,29,211,115,11,186,155,1, 155,87,120,93,157,123,204,104,77,145,65,194,215,14,68,228,90,119,9,30,173, 148,108,22,72,246,20,63,167,4,91,64,71,234,213,48,116,204,89,193,31,241, 57,28,173,240,46,167,104,214,237,30,229,135,21,158,92,8,162,239,85,209, 100,22,72,17,251,187,241,94,93,14,64,151,6,250,171,143,108,225,173,241, 235,114,146,233,177,172,162,142,13,174,91,85,57,228,160,41,39,3,205,147, 166,156,77,60,98,86,227,65,163,13,117,243,189,35,196,31,30,150,107,124, 36,176,228,111,170,67,71,12,235,232,172,133,101,118,128,146,28,253,160, 77,52,193,84,138,20,227,77,188,82,106,232,73,104,115,120,171,46,160,71, 3,26,58,131,49,135,193,229,136,238,141,130,17,244,184,171,46,193,165,39, 78,239,170,142,142,67,71,125,30,194,32,38,71,249,193,200,82,212,31,183, 99,241,101,76,247,207,219,125,223,158,41,49,111,126,134,202,70,47,9,110, 228,151,230,238,21,241,123,237,245,162,250,13,181,158,203,16,233,3,210, 153,0,0,0,7,116,73,77,69,7,208,1,19,13,28,15,223,54,180,209,0,0,0,0,73, 69,78,68,174,66,96,130 ); } sub senderrorpng($$) { my ($obj, $text) = @_; binmode STDOUT; if (defined $obj->get('option',$obj->{log},'errorpic')) { open(PNG, $obj->get('option',$obj->{log},'errorpic')) || return 0; print $obj->{q}->header(-type => "image/png", -expires => 'now'); binmode(PNG); while(read PNG, my $buf, 16384) { print STDOUT $buf; } close PNG; exit 0; } if ($obj->{debug}) { my @textsplit = split(/\n/, $text); my $len = 0; my $max = sub { $_[0] > $_[1] ? $_[0] : $_[1] }; my @rrdargs; foreach (@textsplit) { $len = &$max($len, length($_)); push @rrdargs, "COMMENT:$_\\l"; } eval { require GD; 1; }; unless ($@||1) { my $ys = @textsplit * (GD::gdMediumBoldFont()->height + 5); my $xs = $len * GD::gdMediumBoldFont()->width(); my $starty = 10; my $im = new GD::Image($xs + 20, $ys + 2 * $starty); my $back = $im->colorAllocate(255,255,255); $im->transparent($back); my $red = $im->colorAllocate(255,0,0); $im->filledRectangle(0,0,$xs-1,$ys-1,$back); foreach $text (@textsplit) { $im->string(GD::gdMediumBoldFont(), 10, $starty, $text, $red); $starty += 5 + GD::gdMediumBoldFont()->height; } if ($GD::VERSION lt '1.20') { print $obj->{q}->header(-type => "image/gif", -expires => 'now'); eval 'print $im->gif'; } elsif ($GD::VERSION ge '1.20') { print $obj->{q}->header(-type => "image/png", -expires => 'now'); eval 'print $im->png'; } exit 0; } if (!$ENV{MOD_PERL}) { # create a graphic with rrdtool $len = &$max($len*6-60,50); unshift @rrdargs, ('-', '-w', $len, '-h', 10, '-c', 'FONT#ff0000'); my $pid = open(P, "-|"); if (defined $pid && $pid == 0) { RRDs::graph(@rrdargs); exit 0; } elsif ($pid) { local $/ = undef; my $png =

; close P; if (defined $png) { print $obj->{q}->header(-type => "image/png", -expires => 'now'), $png; exit 0; } } } } print $obj->{q}->header(-type => "image/png", -expires => 'now'); print pack("C*", errorpng()); exit 0; } sub log_rrdtool_call($$@) { my $obj = shift; my $error = shift; return unless yesorno($obj->get('config','rrdtoollog')); unless (open(LOG, '>>'.$obj->get('config','rrdtoollog'))) { print STDERR "cannot log rrdtool call: $!\n"; return; } print LOG "\n# call to rrdtool:\nrrdtool @_\n"; if ($error) { print LOG "# gave error: $error\n"; } else { print LOG "# completed without error\n"; } close LOG; } #### a package for the config package OneForAllConfig; BEGIN { @AnyDBM_File::ISA = qw/DB_File GDBM_File NDBM_File SDBM_File ODBM_File/; }; use Fcntl; # POSIX? use AnyDBM_File; sub new { my $this = shift; my $class = ref($this) || $this; my $cfgfile = shift; my $self = { @_ }; bless $self, $class; my $cachefile = $cfgfile . '.cache'; my %confhash; my $cfgmtime = (stat($cfgfile))[9]; if (tie(%confhash, 'AnyDBM_File', $cachefile, O_RDONLY, 0640)) { if (exists $confhash{'14all-cache'} && $confhash{'14all-cache'} eq 'v1' && exists $confhash{'configfilemtime'} && $confhash{'configfilemtime'} == $cfgmtime) { $self->{'confhash'} = \%confhash; $self->{'sorted'} = [split /,/, $confhash{sorted}]; $self->{'cachefile'} = $cachefile; #print STDERR "using config cache\n"; } else { untie %confhash; } } unless (exists $self->{confhash}) { #print STDERR "reading config file\n"; my $err = $self->read_mrtg_config($cfgfile); $err ||= $self->fixconfig(); if ($err) { return (wantarray ? (undef, $err) : undef); } unless (tie(%confhash, 'AnyDBM_File', $cachefile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0600)) { return $self; } #print STDERR "writing config cache\n"; %confhash = (); foreach my $one (keys %{$self->{target}}) { next if $one eq '^' || $one eq '$'; foreach my $two (keys %{$self->{target}{$one}}) { $confhash{"target $one $two"} = $self->{target}{$one}{$two}; } } foreach my $one (keys %{$self->{option}}) { next if $one eq '^' || $one eq '$'; foreach my $two (keys %{$self->{option}{$one}}) { $confhash{"option $one $two"} = $self->{option}{$one}{$two}; } } foreach my $one (keys %{$self->{config}}) { $confhash{"config $one"} = $self->{config}{$one}; } $confhash{'sorted'} = join(',',@{$self->{sorted}}); $confhash{'14all-cache'} = 'v1'; $confhash{'configfilemtime'} = $cfgmtime; untie %confhash; $self->{'cachefile'} = $cachefile; } return $self; } sub get { my ($self, $what, @args) = @_; #print STDERR "get $what @args ... "; if (exists $self->{$what}) { #print STDERR "from read file\n"; if ($what eq 'config') { return $self->{'config'}{$args[0]}; } return $self->{$what}{$args[0]}{$args[1]}; } my $erg = $self->{'confhash'}{join(' ',$what,@args)}; #print STDERR "from cache: $erg\n"; return $erg; } sub set { my ($self, $key, $value) = @_; # if self->cachefile exists a config cache was read or written; return unless exists $self->{cachefile}; return if exists $self->{is_writeable} && !$self->{is_writeable}; unless ($self->{is_writeable}) { delete $self->{confhash}; # will 'untie' confhash my %confhash; # 'retie' cache writeable if (tie(%confhash, 'AnyDBM_File', $self->{cachefile}, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0600)) { $self->{confhash} = \%confhash; $self->{is_writeable} = 1; } else { $self->{is_writeable} = 0; return; } } $self->{confhash}{$key} = $value; } sub build_value($$$) { my $pre = $_[0]->{target}{'^'}{$_[1]}; my $post = $_[0]->{target}{'$'}{$_[1]}; my $val = ($pre ? $pre.' ' : '') . $_[2] . ($post ? ' '.$post : ''); return $val; } # read the mrtg.cfg file sub read_mrtg_config($$) { my ($obj, $cfgfile) = @_; my ($opt, $tar, $val); my $line = ''; my @lines; my (%targets, %options, @sorted, %config); $obj->{target} = \%targets; $obj->{option} = \%options; $obj->{sorted} = \@sorted; $obj->{config} = \%config; open(CFG, '<'.$cfgfile) || return ("Cannot open config file: $!"); while() { next if /^\s*(\#|\z)/o; # ignore comment/empty lines s/\s+/ /go; # collapse white space to one space s/ \z//o; # remove newline if (/^ (.*)$/o) { # continuation lines $lines[$#lines] .= "\n".$1; } else { push @lines, $_; } } close CFG; # set some defaults my %defaults = ( directory => '', suppress => '', interval => 5, xsize => 400, ysize => 100, withpeak => '', ylegend => 'Bytes per Second', legend1 => 'Incoming Traffic in Bytes per Second', legend2 => 'Outgoing Traffic in Bytes per Second', legend3 => '--CALC--', legend4 => '--CALC--', legendi => 'In:', legendo => 'Out:', shortlegend => '--CALC--', kmg => ',k,M,G,T,P', kilo => 1000, ); my %defoptions = ( 'indexgraph' => 'daily.s', 'graph daily.s' => '-1250m now 300', 'graphsize daily.s' => '250 100', # don't set a default graphsize so override rules work # 'graphsize' => '400 100', 'graph daily' => '-2000m now 300', 'graph weekly' => '-12000m now 1800', 'graph monthly' => '-800h now 7200', 'graph yearly' => '-400d now 86400', 'graphtotal' => 'no', 'logarithmic' => 'no', #'error pic' => undef, ); %config = ( writeexpires => 'yes', background => '#ffffff', interval => 5, icondir => '', columns => 1, refresh => 'yes', ); %{$options{_}} = %defoptions; %{$targets{_}} = %defaults; %{$targets{'$'}} = (); # prepend and append 'target' are empty by default %{$targets{'^'}} = (); my $mrtg290msgprinted = 0; foreach (@lines) { if (/^([\d\w]+)\[(\S*)\] ?: ?(.*)$/so) { # a target config line ($tar, $opt, $val) = (lc($2), lc($1), $3); $val = '' if !defined $val; # get around undef values if (!exists $targets{$tar}) { # first occurance of a target, copy defaults # (don't need to check for '_' as this exists in any case) push @sorted, $tar; foreach my $k (keys %{$targets{_}}) { $targets{$tar}{$k} = build_value($obj, $k, $targets{_}{$k}); } # copy prefix-only settings foreach my $k (keys %{$targets{'^'}}) { $targets{$tar}{$k} = build_value($obj, $k, '') unless $targets{$tar}{$k}; } # copy postfix-only settings. no need for build_value here foreach my $k (keys %{$targets{'$'}}) { $targets{$tar}{$k} = $targets{'$'}{$k} unless $targets{$tar}{$k}; } %{$options{$tar}} = %{$options{_}}; # copy options from ^ and $ (thx to Mike Fisher) map {$options{$tar}{$_} = 1} (keys %{$options{'^'}}, keys %{$options{'$'}}); # set a default title if none given # (shouldn't happen as mrtg requires a title) $targets{$tar}{'title'} = $tar unless $targets{$tar}{'title'}; } if ($tar eq '_' && $val eq '') { # a line "Command[_]:", resets default if ($defaults{$opt}) { # there is a default for this, set it $targets{'_'}{$opt} = $defaults{$opt}; } else { # no default, delete from _ delete $targets{'_'}{$opt}; } } elsif ($opt eq 'options') { # "Options[...]: " - add values to a set of options # not sure about this: mrtg allows only one "Options" line, # so the defaults should probably be replaced not merged $val = lc($val); map {$options{$tar}{$_} = 1} split(/[,\s]+/o, $val); } elsif ($tar eq '$' || $tar eq '^') { $targets{$tar}{$opt} = $val; } else { # "Command[...]: ..." $targets{$tar}{$opt} = build_value($obj, $opt, $val); } next; } elsif (/^([\d\w]+) ?: ?(.*)$/so) { # global option ($tar, $opt, $val) = (undef, lc($1), $2); $config{$opt} = $val; next; } elsif (/^\w+\*\w/o) { print STDERR scalar(localtime()), " MRTG/RRD 14all.cgi: mrtg-2.9 configuration setting in '$cfgfile' detected\n" unless $mrtg290msgprinted++; next; } $_ =~ s/ 0) { # line contains a ':' ($opt, $val) = ($line =~ m/^([^,]+) ?: ?(.*)$/o); $options{$tar}{$opt} = $val; } else { # no ':' just notice it's there $options{$tar}{$line} = 1; } } } if (defined $targets{$tar}{'shortlegend'} and $targets{$tar}{'shortlegend'} eq '--CALC--') { $targets{$tar}{'shortlegend'} = ($options{$tar}{'bits'} ? 'b/' :'B/') . ($options{$tar}{'perhour'} ? 'h' : $options{$tar}{'perminute'} ? 'min' : 's'); } } # add settings from userrdtool to config if (exists $config{'userrdtool'}) { foreach my $line (split(/\n/, $config{'userrdtool'})) { if (index($line, ':') > 0) { # line contains a ':' ($opt, $val) = ($line =~ m/^([^:]+) ?: ?(.*)$/o); $config{$opt} = $val; } else { # no ':' just notice it's there $config{$line} = 1; } } } if (exists $config{refresh} && $config{refresh} && $config{refresh} !~ /^((no?)|(false)|0)$/i && $config{refresh} !~ m/^\d*[1-9]\d*$/o) { $config{refresh} = $config{interval} * 60; } return 0; } # fix some settings. gets called directly after read_mrtg_config sub fixconfig { my $obj = shift; # make sure icondir ends with / # (don't use $SL as this is part of a URL) $obj->{config}{icondir} .= '/' if $obj->{config}{icondir} !~ m|/$|; my $err; # mrtg-2.9.0 added htmldir/imagedir/logdir settings: if ($obj->{config}{workdir}) { # workdir overrides htmldir/imagedir/logdir $obj->{config}{imagedir} = $obj->{config}{logdir} = $obj->{config}{htmldir} = $obj->{config}{workdir}; $err = check_directory($obj, $obj->{config}{workdir}); } else { $err = check_directory($obj, $obj->{config}{imagedir}) if $obj->{config}{imagedir}; $err ||= check_directory($obj, $obj->{config}{logdir}) if $obj->{config}{logdir}; # 14all currently doesn't use htmldir } return $err; } # check if a directory given in a setting exists and is accessible sub check_directory($$;$) { my ($obj, $dir, $rw) = @_; # does dir exists and is readable/writeable? unless (-d $dir and ($rw ? -w _ : -r _)) { my $direrror = <<"EOT"; It looks like there is an error in the configuration. Please contact the administrator of this page at $obj->{author}[1]. She/He will find more information about this problem in the web servers log file. EOT $direrror .= "(DEBUG enabled) Cannot access directory $dir: $!" if $obj->{debug}; printf STDERR "%s 14all: Cannot access directory '$dir'" ." (configfile %s)\n",localtime(),$obj->{cfgfile}; return $direrror; } return 0; } #### end of package OneForAllConfig